elisabeth garouste

elisabeth garouste - elizabeth garouste - galerie en attendant les barbares - garouste- bonetti - elisabeth garouste - portrait

© Arthur Belebeau

The separation


Mattia Bonetti and Elisabeth Garouste separate in 2001 (see biography Garouste & Bonetti). However, they continued to entrust the editions of their shared pieces to the gallery En Attendant les Barbares. For a few years, Elizabeth devotes herself to the La Source foundation, created in 1991, a project with her husband, the painter Gérard Garouste. La Source’s ambition is to help underprivileged children in the Eure region. The originality of their approach is to rely on the discovery of art, with thematic workshops organized by artists and designers close to the couple. Elizabeth devoted a lot of energy to it, and over time, new workshops welcomed these child artists.


The affirmation


Then, little by little, her desire to draw reappeared. She also began by designing unique pieces for commissions for the gallery’s collectors. Then, two personal exhibitions “Fragmentations” in 2007 and “Eclectisms” in 2013.

“Fragmentations” reflects the shock of separation, and gave her the opportunity to exhibit her ink drawings for the first time.
“Eclectisms” is the culmination of thirty years of aesthetic complicity with the gallery, and reflects her strong artistic ambition, with creations located on the borders of art and design, unique or limited pieces. The craftsmen who contributed to the creation of the pieces were carefully chosen: Pierre Basse, ex-ironsmith of Diego Giacometti, Patrick Maury, gilder of the King’s apartments at the Palace of Versailles, and Régis Bocquel, the bronzier of Gérard Garouste. This exhibition presents the different aspects of the multifaceted talent of Elizabeth Garouste, with an often jubilant connotation, and her evocation of childhood associated with constantly reinvented art.




2024- Joint exhibition with Gérard Garouste at the Palais des Arts et du Festival de Dinard

2017 –joint exhibition with Gérard Garouste at the  Chateau de Hauterives (Drôme)
2015-2016 – Galerie Polad Hardouin, Paris
2014 – Galerie Ralph Pucci, New York
2013 – “Eclectismes” à la galerie En Attendant les Barbares, Paris
2012 – “Babel”, au Palais des Beaux Arts, Lille
2012 – Collection autour du cou, galerie Kréo, Paris
2012 – Conception et réalisation de la salle d’attente privée et du bureau de Mr Jean Pierre Raffarin, Premier Ministre
2011 – Galerie Polad Hardouin, Paris

2011 – Or(s) at the gallery En Attendant les Barbares? Paris

2007 – Fragmentation” à la galerie En Attendant les Barbares, Paris



2008 – Chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur
2011 – Officier des arts et des lettres
2017 – Officier de la légion d’Honneur


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Le Monde



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